Common diseases in humans
Salmonella typhi is a pathogenic bacterium which causes typhoid fever in humans.These pathogen generally enter the small intestine through food and water contaminated with them and migrate to other organs through blood.Common symptoms of this disease are-Sustained high fever 39°Cto 40°C,weakness, stomach pain,constipation,headache and loss of appetit.Sometimes it become severe and causes intestinal perforating and death.
2.PNEUMONIA:Pneumonia is a disease caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae.In humans they infect the alveoli(air filled sacs)of lungs.As a result of infection,the alveoli get filled with fluid leading to severe problems ij respiration. Symptoms of pneumonia include fever,chills coughs and headache. Sometimes lips and finger nails may turn grey to bluish in color . A healthy person acquires it by sharing utensils and glasses inhaling aresols/droplets released by infected one.
3.COMMON COLD:Many viruses causes disease in human being.Rhino viruses is one such group of viruses which causes most infectious ailment-the common cold.They infect the nose and respiratory passage but not the lungs.Symptoms of common cold include-nasal congestion and discharge,sore throat, hoarseness,cough,headache, tiredness, etc.Droplets resulting from cough or sneezes of infected person either inhaled or directly transmitted through contaminated objects to healthy person.
4.MALARIA:Some of the humans disease are caused by protozoan too.Very popular among them are malaria.Plasmodium a tiny protozoan is responsible for this disease. Malignant malaria is caused by Plasmodium falciparums is most serious one and can be fatal. Symptoms of malaria include chill and high fever recurring every 3 to 4 days.It is mainly spread by Anopheles mosquito.The protozoan requires two host to complete their life cycle-Humans and mosquito.
Many fungi belonging to the genara microsporum,trichophyton and epidermophyton are responsible for ringworm.Appearance of dry,scaly lesions on various parts of body such as nails , skin and scalp are the main symptoms of this disease.These lesions are accompanied by intense itching. Heat amd moisture help this fungi to grow,which make them thrive in skin folds such as those in the groin or between toes.
Many fungi belonging to the genara microsporum,trichophyton and epidermophyton are responsible for ringworm.Appearance of dry,scaly lesions on various parts of body such as nails , skin and scalp are the main symptoms of this disease.These lesions are accompanied by intense itching. Heat amd moisture help this fungi to grow,which make them thrive in skin folds such as those in the groin or between toes.
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